Thursday, August 23, 2018

What makes you so forgettable??

I go to networkers... Some people will say I do that for a living... it's true but as a former COO of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce and the chairman of Tourism and Hospitality I certainly go to a lot of networkers. And I'm a former BNI chapter founder so there are doctrines to follow... Givers gain, right?

I went to a lovely intimate dinner tonight and sat with some people I knew, and some people I didn't know, and just had the fortune to meet apparently someone that I've met many times before. So the sweet sweet guy who I said "oh and let me introduce myself to you" said to me... "You always do this to me we have met many times before. You never remember my name". So he told me he had switched companies, but we had met many times. (Unverified) I believe that this was meant to make me feel like I'm dismissive, or to point that out.  It doesn't matter and I could be reading into it.  And if you know me I'm really not, in that sense, because it's my business to meet people and know people and connect people. I'm a connector that's what I do. So I stopped for a minute and I thought 'oh I feel badly?'

It's that moment you think something in your head and you either swallow it down or you have the guts to actually say what's on your mind in the most empathetic, kind, and compassionate way that you can.  It happened to be one of those days and I dove in.

"So, you're going to meet people, I don't want you to take this the wrong way and I want you to take this with all of the good intention with which it is meant. Please go home and ask yourself what makes me so ..... forgettable?" 

Yup, I said it.

I know you're thinking oh my God what a horrible thing to say. Horrible woman. How could have you put him on the spot this way? Well I'm going to say that this was very helpful because he, or his company,  paid money to be part of an organization.  He's supposed to be bringing in business. You want to do business with people you know and like. I liked him, obviously I never got to know him. He only got it half right.  And Incredibly his business is completely relevant to mine.

Every single one of my business cards that I've ever had has listed my cellphone.

I asked, "Did you ever text me after? Why didn't you take a selfie with me? Why did you not try to friend me on social media? There are all these things all these tools available to ensure that you are not ... Forgettable.

All I'm saying is you're putting time and effort, you're doing all the right, things make sure that you are ... Unforgettable!

Do good, and do good business. Follow me @cecionthebeach

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